展商名录 » 北京韦林意威特工业内窥镜有限公司


Beijing WAEVT Industrial Endoscope Company Limited

地  址:北京市朝阳区亚运村汇欣大厦B座0901-0907室

邮  编:100101

电  话:010-84991572

网  址:http://www.everestbj.com

主要展出产品: 工业视频内窥镜、警用工业视频内窥镜




    Everest VIT is the most professional Industrial Endoscope product brand in the world, affiliated with GE Inspection Technologies which belongs to GE Group. Be based on the industrial endoscope, US Everest police used videoscope is specially developed for the special needs of the global anti-terrorism task. It integrates the optical, mechanical, electrical, digital technologies, with miniaturization、specialization、portability、shimmer infrared reconnaissance characteristics and so on. Currently, it is the world's newest, most advanced anti-terrorism technology and equipment be used in covert surveillance, security check, border smuggling scene row (search) explosion, search rescue and other fields.

    Its important advantage are the super powerful, integrated, portable design, small size and light weight and so on, which is very easy to a soldier or a group of soldiers carrying out combat missions in the use of the city or the wild and can be hidden to obtain real-time target detection video images, also can maximize the protection of people's own safety operations. It is the world's first choice for the professional anti-terrorism police video endoscopic equipment.



地  址:北京市东四环中路60号C-1301

联系人: 李 强 (市场总监)

电  话:+86-150 0119 7077(微信同号)     

传  真:+86-010-5351 6844

网  址:www.81junjing.cn
